Water is a scarce resource and for many South Africans, practising cleanliness is a luxury especially when there is limited access to clean running water. Peninsula Beverage Company (PenBev – local bottler and distributer of
The Coca-Cola Company products in the Western Cape) in partnership with The City of Cape Town, has helped combat the risk of illness as a result of the lack of sanitation, by donating 2 litre plastic bottles to crèches, clinics and informal settlements in Mitchells Plain, Phillipi, Phillipi East and Crossroads areas. The bottles have been transformed into mobile hand wash units which can be squeezed and water pours out from a long tube, giving community’s access to clean water and creating hygiene awareness.
Corporate Communications Manager, Denise Green, comments, “Diarrhoea as a result of the lack of hygiene is a worrying issue in local communities and settlements. We are thrilled we are able to help by donating the bottles which are used to educate communities about the importance of keeping their hands clean, which in turn helps prevent the spread of diseases.
This initiative forms part of PenBev’s ‘me (people), we (community), world (environment)’ strategy which serves the communities in which we operate and who have supported us over many years.”
For more information about Peninsula Beverages, visit www.penbev.co.za
Released by Reputation Matters Media contact: Lisa Sharland Mobile: 076 373 4602 lisa@reputationmatters.co.za